Masterful Marketing & Branding for Voice Actors Course October 2024

Masterful Marketing & Branding for Voice Actors Course October 2024

Melissa Moats

Melissa Moats



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  • Virtual and In Person Slots Left :  18

To market yourself as a professional voice actor, you need to have the proper tools prepared and a solid game plan!

To many "creatives," self-promotion feels daunting. The overwhelm often kicks in before even getting started!

But in order to align with production companies, agents and clients, putting yourself out there is a must. 

In Melissa's Masterful Marketing & Branding for Voice Actors Course she'll not only help you develop your VO branding style, 

she'll also help you define which type of marketing best suits you, and help you find your own unique marketing voice to stand out.

Here is a list of what will be covered in great detail during this 4 week deep dive!

  • Branding 101 - Developing Your "Baby Brand" as you figure out who you are.
  • Website Construction 101 - DIY or everything you need to know if you hire someone.
  • Defining Your Marketing Strategy - Understanding the various ways to put yourself out there & which is right for you.
  • Marketing do's & dont's
  • How to write a killer introduction letter - You'll have yours ready to go by the end of this course!
  • How to create creative tools, like logos, ecards and other visuals for social media marketing & more. 
  • Where to find "the people who hire you!"

By the end of this course, you'll feel "less afraid" of marketing and you'll be prepared, confident and focused with your well-thought out action plan.

Course Classes
Title Class Time Zoom Link Passcode
Masterful Marketing & Branding Week 1 Oct 07, 2024 06:30 pm - 08:30 pm Pacific
You have to book this Course to see the Zoom link.
You have to book this Course to see the passcode.
Masterful Marketing & Branding Week 2 Oct 14, 2024 06:30 pm - 08:30 pm Pacific
You have to book this Course to see the Zoom link.
You have to book this Course to see the passcode.
Masterful Marketing & Branding Week 3 Oct 21, 2024 06:30 pm - 08:30 pm Pacific
You have to book this Course to see the Zoom link.
You have to book this Course to see the passcode.
Masterful Marketing & Branding Week 4 Oct 28, 2024 06:30 pm - 08:30 pm Pacific
You have to book this Course to see the Zoom link.
You have to book this Course to see the passcode.
